Saturday, January 14, 2012

Same Blog, Same Class, Different Year

This is an Old blog, and things happens that I have to skip the last class.

Jet lag makes it perfect.
I just came back from Taiwan for my brother's wedding, last Sunday at 8PM, and next day I already have classes and work waiting for me.
I am never a morning person, I always sleep around 1 and wake up at 8 or 9
but now I have to wake up at 6ish and out the door by 7 to make it to the class.
this is when the Jet lag helps me. now I always sleep at 11 and wake up at 6. sound pretty nice for my classes.

Today's class [1/12/12]
On my notes there are Two Key points.

One is about Parking Garage in downtown LA are in need for designer to organized, because of the poorly directional signs and poor over all looking, that are scaring away their customers. new renovation is needed for the garage owner to get themselves back to business. big money is over there await for us.

Second is about Jimmy's Life: Follow your Heart
My Professor Jimmy is talking about his life, how originally he had a nice paying job in the design industry, but find himself losing the passion of art. So he quit his job and working as a teacher. which earns him not even half of his old job. but now he has much more energy and work much harder as before. Follow your heart and do the right things, step up to new challenges in life.
when can I ever do that?

Zonked: Exhausted; Tired out.
Yielding: Giving way under pressure; not hard or rigid.
Wacky: Funny or amusing in a slightly odd or peculiar way.

Today's Notes:

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